Shopping- Refueling

A Parmacy

you will find in the centre of village Tijarafe (ca. 3 km), in Los Llanos, in Tazacorte und Puerto Tazacorte

beach life

Swimsuits and beach equipment can be found on the beaches, in the capital Santa Cruz de La Palma
and in Los Llanos


ATMs are in the center (about 3.5 km) of Tijarafe, in Los Llanos, at the airport and to some extent on the beaches

Grocery stores

with natural food products can be found in Los Llanos, El Paso, Tijarafe and Puntagorda .


food shopping

in the center (about 3.5 km) of village Tijarafe - 3 markets with a good choice; Los Llanos several shopping centers with ample choice and a traditional market with fruits, vegetables, fish, meat (about 17 km).


in Los Llanos, in the capital Santa Cruz de La Palma on the beaches and at the airport

gas stations

in Puntagorda (15 km north), in the village Tazacorte (18 km south) and in Los Llanos (17km km southeast) - refuel your car in time; on the island there are not many opportunities to refuel!


Textiles, clothing

in Los Llanos and the beaches.
All standard products are generally available in Los Llanos and in Santa Cruz de La Palma.


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